The horoscope spread The horoscope spread can be used for a general reading to determine how you will experience various areas of your life such as money, relationships, career, health to name a few, during a given period. The duration of the period in question could be 3 months, 6 months or even 1 year. This is taken from Murry Hope's "The Way of the Cartouche". The card lay out for the horoscope spread is shown below. Cards 1 to 12 indicates the 12 houses of the horoscope. Card 1 indicates the first house; so may indicate the personality of the querant. Especially the Earth, Water, Fire and Air cards could give a clue as to if the querant is an air, earth, fire or water sign. Card 2 indicates money and finances in general. Card 3 indicates ones immediate environment, neighbours, siblings and communication Card 4 indicates home, place of residence and domestic issues Card 5 indicates, children, artistic and creative projects, recreational activiti...