
Showing posts from August, 2017
The horoscope spread The horoscope spread can be used for a general reading to determine how you will experience various areas of your life such as money, relationships, career, health to name a few, during a given period. The duration of the period in question could be 3 months, 6 months or even 1 year. This is taken from Murry Hope's "The Way of the Cartouche". The card lay out for the horoscope spread is shown below. Cards 1 to 12 indicates the 12 houses of the horoscope. Card 1 indicates the first house; so may indicate the personality of the querant. Especially the Earth, Water, Fire and Air cards could give a clue as to if the querant is an air, earth, fire or water sign. Card 2 indicates money and finances in general. Card 3 indicates ones immediate environment, neighbours, siblings and communication Card 4 indicates home, place of residence and domestic issues Card 5 indicates, children, artistic and creative projects, recreational activiti
The five pointed star spread The five star spread is ideal when you want to find clarity with regards to a particular issue. This spread is from Murry Hope’s “The Way of the Cartouche” and I find that it is very helpful in doing an in depth reading regarding a particular issue. The order for laying out cards in a star spread is shown below.  Position 1 indicates the nature of the question, while position 2 indicates why the question is being asked. Position 3 indicates factors influencing the issue or factors to be considered. Position 4 reveals what needs to be done or how one needs to handle the situation. The final card in position 5 reveals the outcome of the issue. If you want more clarification regarding a card in a particular position, simply draw another card from top of the pack and place it with the card you are seeking to clarify. This might give you more clues as to what is being revealed by the card in question.   It is also important that the quest