9. Anubis

Just as Anubis is known to safely guide the souls of the dead on their journey to the afterlife Anubis gives one the ability to steer the right course. The Anubis card is a highly protective card and indicates protection and guidance through difficulties. Anubis also indicates diplomacy, careful speech, tact and the ability to take a well calculated risk. Anubis is a master at travelling in unchartered territory and going into the unknown. So Anubis denotes navigation and journeys including all forms of travel by land/sea/air. Anubis indicates safety during travel as well as protection during the unconscious states, astral travel and out of body experiences. Anubis is also known to help one find what is needed or required. When the Anubis card turns up in a reading it is a reminder to trust and follow ones instincts. Anubis may also indicate a love of dogs.

The Anubis card reversed indicates a certain degree of vulnerability to loosing ones way. One may be misguided or follow the wrong advice. It is also not a good omen for travel. Anubis reversed warns of tactlessness and foolhardiness that can land one in a difficult situation. There is also an indication of bad dreams, upsetting out of body experiences, problems with anaesthetics and disturbing hypnotic states. Self deception and psychiatric conditions are also indicated by Anubis reversed.

Meditation with the Anubis card can help you find an answer to a question that has troubled you.


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