11. Fire

Fire denotes energy, passion and creativity. It has a purifying and refining quality to it. The Fire card can indicate great personal energy, enthusiasm and drive as well as confidence, loyalty and warmth of character. It could indicate rejuvenation, or a condition that is being kept alive or a flame. It may also indicate burning bridges and pulling down old edifices to make way for the new or burning up what is no longer useful to resolve a problem. It is also a card of initiating action and denotes someone who is fired up and ready to leap into action. It may also indicate someone with a great creative spark such as an ideas person, inventor or a writer. The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are also indicated by the Fire card. The direction indicated is West.

When the fire card is reversed it denotes inertia, disloyalty and a lack of originality. It may also indicate that one is ignoring their passion and is just running with the herd. There is an indication of creative sterility and the inability to think for oneself. Fire reversed can also indicate temper tantrums or a volatile situation. On the other hand it could indicate a cold and disinterested person. Problems caused by fire are another possibility when the Fire card is reversed.

The Fire card is a good meditation aid for rekindling the creative spark or to muster up courage to stand alone when one is facing opposition.


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