12. Air

The Air card denotes intellect, ideas, communication and correspondence. It is also a card of mobility, speed and travel (especially air travel). Commerce, business transactions, and the internet also come under the domain of the Air card. The Air card also indicates changeable people and situations - everything is constantly on the move. Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are also indicated here. The direction indicated is West. 

When the Air card is reversed it could indicate miscommunication – getting ones wires crossed or lack of communication altogether. It could also indicate ignorance, learning disabilities, being intellectually challenged or harebrained ideas that are not thought out well. Air reversed shows dispersed and scattered energies, where things move slowly. It could also denote someone who is ungrounded and impractical. Bad business transactions or travel not yielding the desired outcomes are other negative indications of Air reversed.

Meditation with the Air card can assist in mental clarity as well as enhancing learning ability.


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