22. Scarab

The Scarab card is a symbol renewal and rebirth. It denotes adaptability and the ability accept change through a shift in ones attitude. A new beginning or a new phase is indicated when the Scarab card turns up. This is an ideal card for getting out of a rut. The Scarab advises one to have a change around or to do something different. It heralds endings and beginnings; casting off the old for the new. Its message is to release the past and be ready to embrace change. 

Scarab reversed shows that a situation has become quite stale and stagnant. It could indicate that there is resistance to change and the refusal to move on. Someone may be stuck in the past continuing to delude themselves to stay in a situation that no longer serves them. They might be clinging to resentment and rebelling against any changes. The flip side is that Scarab reversed could also denote an unwise change. 

Meditation with the Scarab card may be helpful when needing to embrace change and transformation.


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