5. Thoth

Thoth is a card of destiny, fate, time and karma. Thoth card indicates being in the right place at the right time. So it is an indication of good luck as a result of benefiting from past karmic debts owed to you. Thoth is a card of healing as Thoth governs all forms of healing from allopathic medicine to alternative medicine (herbal, folk healing etc). Thoth indicates all types of medical training and healing skills. But its speciality lies in healing the soul through resolving ones karmic issues. The Thoth card may also indicate knowledge, teaching, education, science literature, writing, eloquence and the spoken word. Thoth also denotes mental clarity, genius, flashes of inspiration, talent, resourcefulness capability and skill.

When Thoth turns up reversed it indicates difficult karma, poor timing and bad luck in general (being in the wrong place at the wrong time due to past negative karma). Reversed Thoth may also indicate pseudo intellectuals, quackery and pharmaceutical companies that exploit the masses through questionable drugs that have unwanted side effects. Reversed Thoth may be an indication of health issues upsetting ones affairs, misdiagnosis, or being a victim of medical malpractice. It also warns of trickery, scams, con-artists and liars.


Meditation with the Thoth card can be helpful when you need self healing on a deep spiritual level and for resolving ones karma. Thoth can also help in finding clarity about ones destined path or in finding the real cause of a health issue.


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