8. Ptah

Ptah energy is masculine and constructive. As the celestial architect Ptah embodies craftsmanship, ingenuity, dexterity and inventiveness. He is the responsible male who is helpful, carries out his duties and contributes to the community. Ptah is methodical and practical. Ptah is the master builder and represents construction, architecture, inventions, scientific discoveries, gadgets and intricate technical work. Ptah also denotes hard work, efficiency, progress and the effective execution of plans. Ptah reminds you that you have the tools to achieve what is desired.


When Ptah is reversed it is an indication of chauvinism and misogyny. There is an element of destructiveness here. Ptah reversed may also indicate shaky foundations, inability to progress a project or undertaking, and the lack of contribution to the community. On a more mundane level the Ptah card reversed may also mean lack of skill, inferior workmanship and sloppy work in general.


Meditation with the Ptah card can be helpful in finding a workable solution to a problem that has been difficult to solve.


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