
Showing posts from July, 2017
25. Buckle of Isis Upright The Buckle of Isis card is a fertility card. It denotes the multiplication principle. Therefore it is a card of growth and abundance. However, it denotes growth with a sacrifice. When the Buckle of Isis card turns up it may indicate a pregnancy or an addition to the family. Buckle of Isis also indicates fidelity and commitment.  Reversed When the Buckle of Isis is reversed there might be problems with fertility, difficulty in getting pregnant, or issues with pregnancy in general. A lack of abundance may also be shown. Disloyalty, inconstancy and selfishness are other issues denoted by a reversed Buckle of Isis.  Meditation The Buckle of Isis is a good meditation aid when you want to invoke the multiplication principle and for creating abundance.
24. Ankh Upright The Ankh is a symbol of life force, universal love and understanding. On a spiritual level it denotes the dawning of an enlightened state of consciousness or oneness with the higher transpersonal self. On a mundane level it denotes emotional love, fullfilment, a love affair or a satisfying relationship. Reversed The Ankh reversed may indicate withdrawal of the life force, death or some sort of loss. In a relationship it could indicate infatuation, promiscuity and rejection. It could also indicate someone who only takes but never gives in return. Meditation The Ankh card is a good card to meditate with when you need to find love and harmony in your life.
23. Pyramid Upright The Pyramid card indicates a test or an initiation which might involve a degree of stress and anxiety. This card also denotes a quality of timeless and preservation which indicates that a situation will be preserved after a testing period. When the card is upright a satisfactory outcome after a testing period can be expected. The message here is that time will sort things out. There is a degree of reliability, conservation and preservation of status quo indicated here. Reversed When Pyramid is reversed there are reversals, regression and the possibility of going back to square one. There is a danger of limitation and stagnation by wanting things to be too comfortable and secure. One might be denying progress by tying oneself down too much. Pyramid also indicates things that are neglected and run down. Meditation The Pyramid card could be a good meditation aid for coping and emerging victorious when you feel that you are being tested.
22. Scarab Upright The Scarab card is a symbol renewal and rebirth. It denotes adaptability and the ability accept change through a shift in ones attitude. A new beginning or a new phase is indicated when the Scarab card turns up. This is an ideal card for getting out of a rut. The Scarab advises one to have a change around or to do something different. It heralds endings and beginnings; casting off the old for the new. Its message is to release the past and be ready to embrace change.  Reversed Scarab reversed shows that a situation has become quite stale and stagnant. It could indicate that there is resistance to change and the refusal to move on. Someone may be stuck in the past continuing to delude themselves to stay in a situation that no longer serves them. They might be clinging to resentment and rebelling against any changes. The flip side is that Scarab reversed could also denote an unwise change.  Meditation Meditation with the Scarab card may be
21. Sphinx Upright When the Sphinx turns up there is an element of secrecy. Keeping quiet or sitting back and observing a situation are key themes here. It shows the ability to keep a secret or ferret out one. Sphinx denotes patience and a wait and see attitude. It reminds one to keep one’s own counsel. A love of animals or an involvement with animals may also be denoted by this card.  Reversed Sphinx reversed shows inattentiveness and the inability to observe a situation carefully. It may also indicate indiscretion, scandal mongering and gossip. A secret may be let out which could be problematic. Cruelty to animals caused through neglect and indifference may also be indicated by Sphinx reversed. Meditation Meditation with the Sphinx card may be helpful when you want to uncover a secret or know something that is going on behind your back. The Sphinx card also helps with animal communication. 
20. Twins Upright Twins indicate polarity - the attraction of opposites. The Twins can be interpreted as partnership either in an emotional, marital or business sense. The twins denote integration of the masculine and feminine principles. Decisions about relationships may also be indicated here.  Reversed Twins reversed indicates divisiveness and can stand for separation, disagreement and divorce. There might be problems of egocentricity, the tendency to chase a mythical mate or the inability to commit to a relationship. The Twins reversed also indicates someone who might be a loner, a recluse or a hermit –someone who is unable to develop a close relationship or partnership. Partnership complications possibly involving a third party, or legal problems over shared possessions are also indicated here. Meditation The Twins can be a good meditation aid when you have questions about partnership issues. 
19. Winged Disk Upright  The Winged Disk is a card of divine guidance and inspiration. Revelation of true knowledge is also indicated. When this card turns up it indicates achievement and success in the affairs in question. It promises victory in spite of any opposition and the ability to rise above a problem or difficulty. Reversed When the Winged Disk is reversed it indicates self-deception as well as blind obedience. One may have taken the wrong path or line of action. The reversed position is generally an indication of failure. Meditation Meditation with the Winged Disk can be helpful in accessing divine guidance and inspiration.
18. Uraeus Upright Uraeus symbolises the Kundalini energy. It is not a force to tamper with unless one’s intentions are pure. Uraeus denotes occult mastery and the ability to handle pure energy. So Uraeus is indicative of careful and wise handling of a situation. It calls for wisdom, sagacity, honesty, uprightness and integrity. Uraeus may also indicate the ability to see through the covert plans of others and outwit one’s adversaries. Being savvy and strategic is the key here. Reversed When the Uraeus card turns up reversed there is an indication of deceitfulness and cunningness at play. It might even indicate occult fakery. Even criminal tendencies, illegal activities and scams are possible with Uraeus reversed. Another possibility is imprudence and foolhardiness.  Meditation Meditating with Uraeus could be helpful when needing to make a wise decision or when attempting to work with pure energy.
17. Crook & Flail Upright Crook & Flail is a card of authority, leadership and worldly status. It denotes a step up in the world, a promotion, a successful business or worldly success in general. Crook and flail may also indicate work contracts. Being a card of authority it indicates the establishment in general. Self discipline and mastery of the ego are also denoted. Reversed Crook & Flail reversed indicates a tendency towards self-gratification, domination and bossiness. There might not be any real authority or leadership here but plain conceitedness and arrogance. Meditation Crook and Flail could be a good meditation aid for gaining self discipline and mastery of the ego.
16. Lotus Upright Lotus card promises placidity, peace of mind and release from life’s tensions. It is a card that indicates that the affairs in question will continue satisfactorily without any disruptions. Its message is simply do not worry, all will work out peacefully. The lotus card also indicates meditation and inner awakening. It reminds us to go within to find answers. A blossoming of the heart may also be indicated.  Reversed Lotus reversed denotes, disintegration and dissolution. It also indicates that one might be too un-grounded, spaced out and disconnected from reality. Agitation and frayed nerves are also denoted when the Lotus card is reversed. Being too introverted is another possibility when the Lotus card turns up reversed.  Meditation The Lotus card is an ideal card to meditate with when you want to find tranquility and peace of mind. It can also help in improving your mediation practice in general.
15. Sirius Upright Sirius is a card of universal awareness, space travel, global brotherhood and humanitarian concerns. Its energies are visionary, open minded, futuristic and farsighted – a card that denotes the ability to break away from limiting beliefs. It is a pioneering card, seeking out adventure; a card that indicates star beings, extraterrestrial visitors and new technology. Sirius also indicates stamina, physical strength, endurance, athletic skills and dogged determination as well as a strong impulse for rebellion and independence. Reversed Bigotry, intolerance, aggression and hooliganism are some of the qualities indicated by Sirius reversed. There might be questionable claims of connections with extraterrestrial beings. Sirius reversed also denotes insularity and lack of cooperation with others. Lack of initiative, someone who is a non-starter, or someone who lacks determination and endurance may also be indicted by Sirius reversed. Meditation Mediation with
14. Earth Upright The Earth card denotes money, investments, savings and possessions. It also indicates thrift conservation and ecological values. It may indicate someone who is down to earth, practical, and industrious. All things that grow and matters pertaining to land come under the domain of the Earth card. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are also indicated by the Earth card. The direction indicated is North. Reversed Reversed Earth card is an indication of being too materialistic or miserly. It shows that money is wasted or badly managed. It may denote someone who is lazy and unwilling to work or a situation where the environment is exploited for financial gain. Meditation Meditation with the Earth card can be helpful for grounding oneself and also for creating an abundance mentality.
13. Water Upright The Water card denotes emotions, fluidity, and the ability to go with the flow. Water also indicates strong feelings and emotional attachments. It is a card of empathy where one becomes aware of the suffering of others, become deeply moved or are able to reflect other people’s emotions. The Water card encourages us to undergo a period of reflection or to become connected with our emotional core. It also signifies devotional practices as well as travel across water. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are also indicated by the Water card. The direction indicated is South. Reversed When the Water card is reversed it may indicate, self pity, emotional blackmailing and general moodiness. Depression, emotional dissatisfaction and emotional upsets are also not uncommon here. Water reversed shows a stagnant situation where there is no flow. There is also the danger of problems caused by water such as flooding and leaking. Meditation The Water card i
12. Air Upright The Air card denotes intellect, ideas, communication and correspondence. It is also a card of mobility, speed and travel (especially air travel). Commerce, business transactions, and the internet also come under the domain of the Air card. The Air card also indicates changeable people and situations - everything is constantly on the move. Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are also indicated here. The direction indicated is West.  Reversed When the Air card is reversed it could indicate miscommunication – getting ones wires crossed or lack of communication altogether. It could also indicate ignorance, learning disabilities, being intellectually challenged or harebrained ideas that are not thought out well. Air reversed shows dispersed and scattered energies, where things move slowly. It could also denote someone who is ungrounded and impractical. Bad business transactions or travel not yielding the desired outcomes are other negative indications of Air r
11. Fire Upright Fire denotes energy, passion and creativity. It has a purifying and refining quality to it. The Fire card can indicate great personal energy, enthusiasm and drive as well as confidence, loyalty and warmth of character. It could indicate rejuvenation, or a condition that is being kept alive or a flame. It may also indicate burning bridges and pulling down old edifices to make way for the new or burning up what is no longer useful to resolve a problem. It is also a card of initiating action and denotes someone who is fired up and ready to leap into action. It may also indicate someone with a great creative spark such as an ideas person, inventor or a writer. The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are also indicated by the Fire card. The direction indicated is West. Reversed When the fire card is reversed it denotes inertia, disloyalty and a lack of originality. It may also indicate that one is ignoring their passion and is just running with the herd. The
10. Set Upright When Set turns up in a reading it denotes chaos and upheavals. It is a card of oppositions, obstacles and delays. Set warns that one could encounter all sorts of problems, burdens and constraints. When Set is upright it is an indication that these problems are caused by our own thinking and attitude that wreak havoc, and we may have some degree of power to make changes for the better. Reversed When Set is reversed one could encounter the same problems and upheavals. But these would be driven by external forces over which we have little or no control. Set reversed could also indicate a maligned entity masquerading as a benign person or someone who does not wish you well. Meditation Usually the Set card is not ideal as a meditation aid. However, meditation with the Set card may be useful if you are trying to face and conquer your fears, because Set brings us face to face with our deepest fears.
9. Anubis Upright Just as Anubis is known to safely guide the souls of the dead on their journey to the afterlife Anubis gives one the ability to steer the right course. The Anubis card is a highly protective card and indicates protection and guidance through difficulties. Anubis also indicates diplomacy, careful speech, tact and the ability to take a well calculated risk. Anubis is a master at travelling in unchartered territory and going into the unknown. So Anubis denotes navigation and journeys including all forms of travel by land/sea/air. Anubis indicates safety during travel as well as protection during the unconscious states, astral travel and out of body experiences. Anubis is also known to help one find what is needed or required. When the Anubis card turns up in a reading it is a reminder to trust and follow ones instincts. Anubis may also indicate a love of dogs. Reversed The Anubis card reversed indicates a certain degree of vulnerability to loosing ones way
8. Ptah Upright Ptah energy is masculine and constructive. As the celestial architect Ptah embodies craftsmanship, ingenuity, dexterity and inventiveness. He is the responsible male who is helpful, carries out his duties and contributes to the community. Ptah is methodical and practical. Ptah is the master builder and represents construction, architecture, inventions, scientific discoveries, gadgets and intricate technical work. Ptah also denotes hard work, efficiency, progress and the effective execution of plans. Ptah reminds you that you have the tools to achieve what is desired. Rev ersed When Ptah is reversed it is an indication of chauvinism and misogyny. There is an element of destructiveness here. Ptah reversed may also indicate shaky foundations, inability to progress a project or undertaking, and the lack of contribution to the community. On a more mundane level the Ptah card reversed may also mean lack of skill, inferior workmanship and sloppy work in general. M
7. Nephthys Upright Nephthys was known as the hidden one and signifies obscurity and all things that are not readily visible and yet to be revealed. It also denotes that what is destined has not yet crystallized. It is a card of mysticism, the esoteric arts, and psychic gifts and can also indicate the dream state and out of body experiences. Nephthys contains an element of peace, tranquillity, and receptiveness. Nephthys reminds us to maintain a level of reserve and to keep one’s own counsel, be still, and to turn inwards for answers. Nephthys can represent a spiritual person or someone who is psychically gifted. Another indication is a close and reliable friend. Nephthys also has a connection with mermaids, the human signing voice and hauntingly beautiful music. Reversed When Nephthys is reversed it denotes energies that are diffused. Nothing is what they seem. So reversed Nephthys indicates illusions, self delusion, psychosis and even insanity. There might even be addic
6. Hathor Upright Hathor is a goddess of sensuality, opulence and glamour. She denotes femininity, creature comforts, nourishment, good food, hospitality, luxury as well as fortitude. She indicates a woman who is strong minded, well organised, decisive and confident about her capabilities. She is the self assured and well groomed career women, supportive partner or wife. The Hathor card also represents all things associated with women such as clothing and fashion, jewellery, beauty and hair care, culinary skills, and anything that falls in the domain of womens’ interests or affairs. In general Hathor governs all sensory pleasures and enjoyments. Hathor is also the patron of Astrology. Reversed Hathor reversed is an indication of the rejection of femininity or the feminine principle. It may also indicate a pushy person or a bossy and overbearing woman, or an organization that is rigid and not conducive to personal growth and happiness. A reversed Hathor is also an indica
5. Thoth Upright Thoth is a card of destiny, fate, time and karma. Thoth card indicates being in the right place at the right time. So it is an indication of good luck as a result of benefiting from past karmic debts owed to you. Thoth is a card of healing as Thoth governs all forms of healing from allopathic medicine to alternative medicine (herbal, folk healing etc). Thoth indicates all types of medical training and healing skills. But its speciality lies in healing the soul through resolving ones karmic issues. The Thoth card may also indicate knowledge, teaching, education, science literature, writing, eloquence and the spoken word. Thoth also denotes mental clarity, genius, flashes of inspiration, talent, resourcefulness capability and skill. Reverse When Thoth turns up reversed it indicates difficult karma, poor timing and bad luck in general (being in the wrong place at the wrong time due to past negative karma). Reversed Thoth may also indicate pseudo intellectuals
4. Bast   Upright Bast embodies warmth, affection, devotedness and fidelity. Bast is an indication of joy, happiness and mental healing. When the Bast card turns up in a reading it is an indication that mental worries and turmoil will soon pass. Bast also brings psychic protection. Bast governs the musical and dancing arts and denotes agility and grace in all physical movement. Bast is also a card of intuition and reminds one to remain cautious and mindful in all undertakings. Bast also encourages generosity and asks one to give others their due – this could be what is owed to them, appreciation, acknowledgement etc. Reversed When Bast is reversed there is an indication of worry, anxiety and mental tension. One may be vulnerable to psychic attack and may also indicate a lack of joy and happiness. There is also an element of cattiness, gossip and backbiting when the Bast card turns up reversed. It may also indicate a situation where one may not be receiving as one is n
3. Horus Upright  The Horus card is a card of posi tivity and optimism. As a solar deity, Horus’ energies are warm, friendly, benevolent and helpful. Charm and charisma are also qualities of Horus. Horus is a protector and defender with heroic qualities, known to bring redemption to those who have been unfairly treated. He governs all forms of beauty, creativity and the arts as well as providing physical healing and speedy recovery from illness. Horus is also the patron of home and families, family harmony and family loyalty. Horus reminds us of the importance of courage, standing up for oneself and fighting for what is right.  Reversed When the Horus card is reversed it may be an indication of physical neglect and illness. It also warns of the futility of vengeance. Other negative indications of Horus reversed include narcissism, eccentricity and family discord.  Meditation Meditation with the Horus card can help one with physical healing. It is also a good card
2. Isis Upright Isis is the feminine principle. She is the compassionate divine mother archetype symbolizing caring, nurturing and maternal love. She governs esoteric knowledge and is also a goddess of magic who makes the impossible possible. When the Isis card turns up it may be an indication that you are receiving help from the magical realms of the goddess. Isis represents, mothers, motherhood and those in caring professions. So Isis reminds us the importance of careful nurturing and perseverance in any situation. The Isis card indicates intuition and the psychic and spiritual faculties in general. Isis is also the receptive principle and her qualities include understanding, receptiveness and empathy and may also indicate a time for reflection and connecting with ones inner knowing as the answers lie within us. When the Isis card turns up it is important to listen to our gut feelings. Isis also asks us to dig deeper to uncover what is hidden underneath the surface issue.
1. Osiris  Upright Osiris represents the masculine principle, integrity, honesty and responsibility. It is a card of stability and indicates a degree of security, safety, and a stable situation. This card is imbued with firm but gentle energies. It is also a card of growth that requires some degree of sacrifice. Osiris also represents spiritual devotion and spiritual strength. Osiris is the wise spiritual father, so the card represents wisdom, respect for those older and wiser, and sometimes could also indicate a guru, mentor advisor, counsellor, or someone who can provide guidance. Osiris also reminds us to take responsibility for our own life or spiritual beliefs. It is also an indication to use our own judgement in a discerning manner. The card may also indicate organisations, establishments and people in authority as well as tradition and convention. Reversed Osiris reversed may indicate a person or situation that is unreliable. It is also associated with religious dogm